Conectid Technologies
PopArtFusion is a collective initiative of diverse, multicultural, curious, creative, tech-savvy, innovative minds with extraordinary talents who set out to evolve and shape the future of tech by delivering the latest tech to the mass market at reasonably affordable prices.
Conectid Technologies is a trading name of Conectid Limited. Conectid Limited is registered as a limited company in England and Wales, Company No. 10810165. Registered office: Conectid HQ, 20-22 Wenlock Road, N1 7GU, London, England, United Kingdom, operating under the License for using the Conectid(R) (TM) Trademarks EUTM017877770 and UK00917877770.
Registered address: Conctid Group, Conectid Limited, 20 - 22 Wenlock Raod, Conectid Group, London N1 7GU, England, United Kingdom. Companies House England and Wales Registration Number: 10810165
VAT number: GB316560905, EORI number: GB316560905000, ICO REG No: ZB462426